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    Tests show why it is important to choose Q10 carefully


    We want to feel safe when shopping online, especially with products like Q10  where we pay to get an effect. However, a new test of Q10 preparations shows that even reputable websites sell products where the manufacturers appear to have had their thumb on the scale.

    Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most popular and widely sold preparations with countless satisfied consumers. Many people buy Q10 supplements online and should be able to do so without having to worry. However, according to a test of Q10 supplements sold through an international and widely recognized website, consumers are at risk of being scammed if they fail to pay attention. The news is reported at

    Test tubes

    Seven out of eight failed

    The test was carried out by a company that had noticed, several years ago, how few Q10 products actually met the minimum requirements for quality. The publication of the test results has won several awards within the dietary supplement industry, and it is greatly appreciated. In the the most recent follow-up test, eight Q10 preparations that had previously failed a quality test were tested again. It turned out that seven of products still had quality issues. The testing agency also observed that there was a discrepancy between the declared and the actual content of Q10 in the products.


    Way too low a dose

    For example, the manufacturers of four different products wittingly wrote "CoQ10 400 mg Max Strength" on the front of the product, whereas it said "400 mg/6% potency" on the back. That way, the consumer only gets 24 mg of Q10, which is less than half as much as the lowest dose that has been tested in clinical research. 

    Researchers normally administer daily doses of 100-300 mg in scientific studies.


    Not a word about absorption


    Like literally all other consumer tests of Q10 preparations, the latest test has the weakness of not addressing absorption, the most important parameter.

    A product's Q10 content in milligrams is both important and relevant, needless to say. However, if the active substance is not properly absorbed in the blood and cells, it essential doesn't matter how much or how little Q10 each pill contains.

    Q10 with scientific documentation

    As one of the few manufacturers, Pharma Nord can scientifically document the absorbability of the Q10 content in all the company's different Q10 preparations. More importantly, the many published studies that have been carried out with Pharma Nord's Q10 formulation demonstrate that it has a clinical effect that can be measured. Among the studies worth mentioning are KiSel-10 (International Journal of Cardiology, 2013) and Q-Symbio (JACC, Heart Failure, 2014).

    Pharma Nord Q10 Gold box

